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Pay via Western Union
Western Union is an easy and trusted way to submit funds from anywhere in the world.
It's this simple:
1. Locate your nearest Western Union branch at www.westernunion.com. There are locations almost everywhere in the world, including small towns.
Go to the Western Union branch with the cash for the FULL AMOUNT of your purchase plus shipping.
(Note: Easy Pay Plans are available only with a credit/debit card, and are not available when paying through Western Union.)
2. You will fill out an easy form. Tell them you want to send the funds to:
Laura Miller
1200 East Burlington Avenue
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 USA
They will give you a receipt and Control Number.
3. Email me or call with your Control Number. Tell me your name and address, and let me know you have sent the funds via Western Union.
That's it! I'll personally take care of your order myself, and make sure everything goes smoothly!
If you have any questions, I'm always
available to help!
Best wishes,

Sherri Moore
Special Offers Manager
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(Outside USA, prefix 1 before above number.)
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