Relative Pitch
Ear Training SuperCourse
Course Contents . . . |
Whether it's decades ago (above) or today, Burge's timeless ear training secrets work for musicians of all ages, instruments and styles.
The Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse
Course Contents
Here's what
you get:
You will receive five (5) graduated Relative Pitch ear training LEVELS, a grand total of 41 three-quarter hour personalized Power Lessons with David Lucas Burge on 41 Audio CDs plus written Notes for each Level. No music note reading skills required.
Here's what
you'll gain:
You'll learn to UNDERSTAND and SPEAK the LANGUAGE OF MUSIC — all BY EAR.
You'll learn how to compose all possible kinds of chords — then NAME all chords by EAR ALONE. You'll learn musical intervals, cadences, inversions, scales, compound intervals, and countless other essentials — all to build up your virtuoso ear for music.
The further you progress with your Relative Pitch ear training, the more you will hear — and the more interesting the Lessons become. When you graduate Level 5, you will have full (and permanent) development of your Relative Pitch.
- For ALL musicians, beginning, advanced, and pro
- No previous music experience necessary
- No music reading skills required
Important Note
Please begin your Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse with Level 1, Lesson 1.
This unique audio series offers you a highly enjoyable and specialized progression of Relative Pitch ear training with David Lucas Burge. Therefore, it's important to start at the very beginning.
Maybe you already have Relative Pitch, and you'd like to do some routine maintenance — retune your ear, correct any deficiencies — to keep your ear running smoothly.
Maybe you are the newest beginner who is starting from point zero.
Maybe you're somewhere in between.
Wherever you place yourself, it is essential that you begin with Level 1, Lesson 1, and listen to each Lesson in its PROPER SEQUENCE. You will learn powerful techniques in Levels 1, 2, and 3 that you will use throughout the Course.
When you listen in this way — step by step — you are assured to receive Burge's complete Relative Pitch ear training tune-up — with the permanent benefits that we guarantee.
The Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse
The complete ear tune-up and repair kit,
personally taught by David Lucas Burge
Full Contents of all 41 Power Lessons:

1 Part 1: Introductory Talk / 2 Part 2 (1:03) / 3 About the Course (4:20) / 4 The Importance of Musical Spelling (3:15) / 5 The Chromatic Scale (1:08) / 6 Half Steps and Whole Steps (1:16) / 7 Perfect Fifths (7:47) / 8 Introduction to the Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique (and Musical Spelling) (10:16) / 9 Homework (2:56)
2 Correct Spellings: Perfect Fifths (6:48) / 3 The Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique (to be practiced for remainder of the Course) (12:21); 4 Enharmonic Spellings (18:40) / 5 The Sound Round Technique (1:48) / 6 The Random Round Technique (3:29) / 7 Warm-up Drill for Tests (:57)
2 How Testing Works (5:43) / 3 Spelling Test: Perfect Fifths (8:16) / 4 More Procedures (7:39) / 5 Sound Test: Perfect Fifths (Singing) (14:20) / 6 Perfect Fourths (4:01) / 7 Correct Spellings: Perfect Fourths (3:48)
2 Spelling Test: Perfect Fourths (8:46) / 3 Sound Test: Perfect Fourths (13:14) / 4 Perfect Unisons and Perfect Octaves (6:00) / 5 Unlocking Technique (to be practiced for remainder of the Course) (4:47) / 6 Melodic and Harmonic Intervals (1:24) / 7 Major Thirds (2:34) / 8 Correct Spellings: Major Thirds (also: Double Sharps, Double Flats) (7:40)
2 Spelling Test: Major Thirds (9:21) / 3 Sound Test: Major Thirds (13:26) / 4 Speed Recognition: Drilling Procedures (6:01) / 5 Lightning Round: Mixed Melodic P4 and P5 (3:42) / 6 Speed Recognition of Tones (2:05) / 7 Lightning Round: Mixed Harmonic P4, P5, and Perfect Octaves (5:43) / 8 Minor Thirds (1:03) / 9 Correct Spellings: Minor Thirds (2:57)
2 Spelling Test: Minor Thirds (7:32) / 3 Sound Test: Minor Thirds (11:09) / 4 Major and Minor Chords (4:13); 5 Arpeggios (:41) / 6 Lightning Rounds: Major and Minor Arpeggios (3:55); 7 Chords (4:13) / 8 Listening Technique (1:10) / 9 Lightning Round: Mixed Major and Minor Arpeggios and Chords (2:35) / 10 Homework (1:40) / 11 Puzzle Drill (also: Chord Roots) (6:55)
2 Spelling Test: Major and Minor Chords (13:14) / 3 Sound Test: Major and Minor Arpeggios (12:21) / 4 Major and Minor: The Basic Structures of Music (1:16) / 5 Notation of Intervals and Chords (1:51) / 6 Exam Preparation (1:22) / 7 Lightning Round: Mixed P4, P5, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (with Instructions for Speed Recognition of Tones) (13:56)
2 Speed Recognition of Tones (2:28) / 3 Lightning Rounds: Melodic Thirds (4:54) / 4 Harmonic Thirds (2:19) / 5 Mixed Thirds (4:35) / 6 Tertian, Quartal, and Quintal Harmony (2:17) / 7 Relative Pitch Identification Drill (12:44) / 8 Singing Drill (3:48) / 9 More Drilling Procedures (:50) / 10 Lightning Round: P5, P4, M3, m3, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (8:54) / 11 More Drilling Procedures (1:14)
2 Exam Procedures (3:35) / 3 Level One Exam, Section 1: Spelling Test (5:04) / 4 Section 2: Relative Pitch Identification (7:15) / 5 Section 3: Interval Singing (6:14) / 6 Section 4: Lightning Round (7:09) / 7 Section 5: Synthesizer Lightning Round: Part 1 (5:46) / 8 Part 2 (3:56) / 9 More Exam Procedures (:47) / 10 Conclusion of Level One (3:35) / 11 Bonus Session: RELATIVE PITCH POWER POINTS / 12 Listen to these Power Points at any time you need support.
Relative Pitch LEVEL ONE
Nine Audio CDs

2 Inversions of Major and Minor Chords and Arpeggios (Triads: Root Position, First Inversion, Second Inversion) (3:20) / 3 Drill: Melodic Inversions (4:15) / 4 Listening Technique: Inversions (3:38) / 5 Drill: Harmonic Major Inversions — Top Listening (3:21) / 6 Bottom Listening (3:37) / 7 Drill: Mixed Major Inversions (6:43) / 8 Drill: Minor Inversions (5:29) / 9 Listening Technique (1:44) / 10 Drill: Mixed Major and Minor Inversions (8:46) / 11 Listening Technique and Major Seconds (1:30) / 12 Correct Spellings: Major Seconds (1:45)
2 Miscellaneous (1:41) / 3 Spelling Test: Major Seconds (4:04) / 4 Sound Test: Major Seconds (6:06) / 5 Whole Tone Scale (1:27) / 6 Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (3:30) / 7 Dissonance and Consonance (1:40) / 8 Lightning Round: Mixed Inversions (6:15) / 9 Listening Technique: Inversions (3:24) / 10 Drill: Inversions (6:37) / 11 Drill: Major and Minor Inversions (4:55) / 12 Listening Technique (1:36) / 13 Minor Seconds (:51) / 14 Correct Spellings: Minor Seconds (2:08)
2 Spelling Test: Minor Seconds (4:35) / 3 Sound Test: Minor Seconds (6:09) / 4 Lightning Round: Melodic Seconds (7:26) / 5 Listening Technique (1:32) / 6 Lightning Round: Harmonic Seconds (3:33) / 7 Listening Technique (1:11) / 8 Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (6:12) / 9 Drill Instructions: Harmonic Inversions (1:23) / 10 Drill: Harmonic Inversions (10:52) / 11 Major Sixths (:09) / 12 Correct Spellings: Major Sixths (1:11)
2 Listening Technique (Sound Association) (3:52) / 3 Spelling Test: Major Sixths (5:28) / 4 Sound Test: Major Sixths (8:27) / 5 Lightning Round: P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (7:30) / 6 Double Lightning Round (2:55) / 7 Listening Technique (1:27) / 8 Drill: Melodic Inversions (11:14) / 9 Drilling Technique (1:06) / 10 Minor Sixths (:19) / 11 Correct Spellings: Minor Sixths (1:53)
2 Spelling Test: Minor Sixths (5:49) / 3 Sound Test: Minor Sixths (8:43) / 4 The Influence of Sound (3:37) / 5 Lightning Round: Sixths (9:43) / 6 Aural Illusions (1:54) / 7 Drill: Inversions (7:13) / 8 Note for Musicians with Perfect Pitch (1:16) / 9 Augmented Fifth Chords (Sharp Five Chords) (4:20) / 10 Correct Spellings: Sharp Five Chords (1:37)
2 Memorization for Self-Sufficiency (2:19) / 3 Spelling Test: Sharp Five (Augmented) Chords (4:51) / 4 Special Sound Exercise (4:22) / 5 Notation of Sharp Five (#5) Chords (:41) / 6 Lightning Round: Sixths (5:20) / 7 Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (7:11) / 8 Ear Training Technique (2:55) / 9 Relative Pitch Identification Drill (8:42) / 10 Effortless Listening (2:26) / 11 Interval Singing Drill (5:13)
2 All Inversions Lesson / Drill: Inversions (6:51) / 3 Synthesizer Drills: 1) Inversions (13:49) / 4 Special Instructions (1:13) / 5 2) Moving Inversions (22:25)
2 Procedure (1:56) / 3 Exam: 1) Spelling (5:31) / 4 2) Relative Pitch Identification (5:53) / 5 3) Interval Singing (6:29) / 6 4) Lightning Round (7:49) / 7 5) Major and Minor Inversions (5:25) / 8 6) Inversions: Sound and Spelling (7:04) / 9 Conclusion of Level Two (3:56)
Relative Pitch LEVEL TWO
Eight Audio CDs |

2 Various (2:17) / 3 Diminished Fifth Chords (Flat Five Chords) (3:38) / 4 Chords: Open and Close Position (6:12) / 5 Keynotes (Home Base) (2:32) / 6 Keynotes and Degrees (2:59) / 7 Drill: Keynotes, Degrees and Inversions — Part 1 (11:02) / 8 Note on Drill (:54)/ 9 Part 2 (6:07) / 10 Drilling Points and Homework (m7) (2:55) / 11 Correct Spellings: Diminished Fifth Chords (2:04) / 12 Correct Spellings: Minor Sevenths (3:33)
2 Spelling Test: Minor Sevenths (6:36) / 3 Sound Test: Minor Sevenths (11:17) / 4 Spelling Test: Flat Five (Diminished Fifth) Chords (5:52) / 5 Music Theory and Notation (2:06) / 6 Lightning Rounds: Major, Minor, Diminished, Augmented (6:53) / 7 Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, m7, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (7:18) / 8 Drilling Technique and Homework (M7) (2:00) / 9 Correct Spellings: Major Sevenths (2:09)
2 Spelling Test: Major Sevenths (6:05) / 3 Sound Test: Major Sevenths (11:08) / 4 Lightning Rounds: Sevenths (6:41) / 5 Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, M7, m7, Perfect Octaves, and Perfect Unisons (6:34) / 6 The Purpose of Relative Pitch Ear Training: Speed Recognition of Tones by Quality of Relationship (2:10) / 7 Augmented Fourths: Outwitting the "Devil in Music" (5:13) / 8 Correct Spellings: Augmented Fourths (Tritones) (3:40) / 9 Star Spangled Banner Assignment (2:44)
2 How to Take Music Out of Your Head (25:55) / 3 "Error Free" Listening (3:05) / 4 Lightning Round: All Mixed (including Augmented Fourths) (7:08) / 5 Inversions (7:14) / 6 New Drill Procedure (:49)
2 Spelling Test: Augmented Fourths (6:19) / 3 Sound Test: Augmented Fourths (12:29) / 4 Lightning Round: P4, P5, Tritones (4:19) / 5 Compound Intervals: Ninths, Tenths, Elevenths, Twelfths, Thirteenths (2:55) / 6 Lightning Round: All Mixed (5:38) / 7 Synthesizer Lightning Round (11:06) / 8 Comments and Homework (M9) (1:13)
2 Test: Major Ninths (4:53) / 3 Lightning Round: All Mixed (9:06) / 4 Stabilization of a Powerful Ear (2:10) / 5 Taking Music Out of Your Head (2:14) / 6 Stepwise Motion — Spelling (15:30) / 7 Relative Pitch Identification Drill (7:31) / 8 Comments and Homework (m9) (2:33)
2 Test: Minor Ninths (2:03) / 3 Augmented Octaves (1:08) / 4 Miscellaneous Notes on Intervals and Theoretical Intervals (8:33) / 5 Exam Prep (1:08) / 6 Dominant Seventh Chords (1:50) / 7 Lightning Round: Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, Dominant Seventh Chords (5:34) / 8 Relative Pitch Identification Drill: Part 1 (3:48) / 9 Part 2 (3:58) / 10 Major and Minor Inversions — Open and Close Position (6:10) / 11 Instructions (:28) / 12 Lightning Round: All Mixed (8:19) / 13 Instructions (1:18)
2 Mini-Test: Theoretical Intervals (3:44) / 3 Chords: Sound and Spelling — Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, Dominant Seventh Chords (7:08) / 4 Synthesizer Lightning Round: All Mixed with M9 and m9 (10:19) / 5 Exam: Part 1, Chords (Singing) (4:47) / 6 Part 2, Musical Dictation (8:21) / 7 Dictation Examples (3:38) / 8 Answers to Exam, Part 2 (5:07) / 9 Conclusion of Level Three (1:23)
Relative Pitch LEVEL THREE
Eight Audio CDs |

2 Talks: 1) Stabilization of Relative Pitch: The Simplicity of Musical Perception and the Secret to Speed Recognition of Tones (11:14) / 3 2) How Perfect Pitch and Relative Pitch Work Together (Grand Pitch Awareness) (17:50) / 4 Ear Training Technique: Learning the Broad Cross Section (2:08) / 5 Dominant Seventh Inversions (with Third Inversion — "Dominant 2") (5:56) / 6 Lightning Round: Dominant Seventh Chords (:38) / 7 Listening Technique (5:15) / 8 Preparation for Stability Tests (1:06)
2 Stability Test Procedures (2:46) / 3 Stability Test: P5 (6:24) / 4 Major Scales: Essential Foundations for Ear Awareness (10:53) / 5 Lightning Round: Scale Degrees (9:56) / 6 Drill: Dominant Sevenths — Part 1 (7:55) / 7 Part 2 (6:16)
2 Stability Test: P4 (6:19) / 3 Correct Spellings: Major Scales (5:57) / 4 The Value of Scale Spellings (1:34) / 5 The Circle of Fifths (18:17) / 6 Music: The Finest of the Fine Arts (2:33) / 7 The Value of Scale Degrees (1:11) / 8 Lightning Round: Scale Degrees — Part 1 (Degree) (3:36) / 9 Part 2 (Name) (4:45)
2 Stability Test: M3 (6:25) / 3 Lightning Rounds: Scale Degrees — Part 1 (Degree) (5:02) / 4 Part 2 (Name) (3:59) / 5 Perfect Pitch and Relative Pitch Working Together (5:47) / 6 Transposition (1:25) / 7 New Practice Routine for Lesson 30 (5:46) / 8 Ear Training Technique (1:34) / 9 Seventh Chords (5:48) / 10 Chord Drill: M7, m7, m/M7, Dom7 (8:34)
2 Lightning Rounds: Major Scale Degrees — C (3:11) / 3 C# (2:55) / 4 Db (2:54) / 5 D (2:56) / 6 Eb (2:53) / 7 E (2:56) / 8 F (3:01) / 9 F# (2:48) / 10 Gb (2:45) / 11 G (2:48) / 12 Ab (2:53) / 13 A (2:49) / 14 Bb (2:56) / 15 B (2:57) / 16 Cb (2:17) / 17 Listening Technique (1:18)
2 Stability Test: m3 (7:00) / 3 Listening Technique: Speed Recognition of Chords (3:28) / 4 Lightning Rounds: M7, m7, m/M7, Dom7 — Arpeggios (4:08) / 5 Relative Pitch Chord "Color" (:48) / 6 Chords (6:12) / 7 Lightning Round: All Chords (4:16) / 8 Chord Degrees (2:54) / 9 Diatonic Tones (9:29) / 10 Lightning Round: Chord Degrees (Root Position) (5:53)
2 Stability Test: M6 (6:46) / 3 Augmented Dominant Seventh Chords (Dom7#5) (5:40) / 4 Altered Chords (1:21) / 5 Diminished Minor Seventh Chords (m7b5) (2:11) / 6 Diminished Seventh Chords (1:07) / 7 Half Diminished and Full Diminished Sevenths (2:15) / 8 Preparation for Drill (2:27) / 9 Drills: Altered Seventh Arpeggios (3:17) / 10 Chords (2:26) / 11 Lightning Round: All Seventh Chords (8:00) / 12 The Key to Chord Identification (1:22) / 13 Chord Progressions (7:17)
2 Stability Test: m6 (7:18) / 3 Exam: Bach for Rock (and ALL Musical Styles) (7:56) / 4 Exam Examples: (5:22) / 5 Instructions for Exam Answers (2:21) / 6 Analysis: Following the Flow of Music by Ear (12:05) / 7 The Eight Essential Perceptions for the Established Musical Ear (9:12)
Relative Pitch LEVEL FOUR
Eight Audio CDs |

2 Stability Test: M2 and m2 (6:27) / 3 Analysis of Bach: Following the Flow of Music by Ear (10:15) / 4 Pivot Chords and Changing Chords (12:46) / 5 Borrowed Chords (1:36) / 6 Progression and Modulation (12:56)
2 Stability Test: m7 (6:00) / 3 Conclusion of Bach Assignment: The Ranges of Relative Pitch and Perfect Pitch (6:22) / 4 Lightning Rounds: Chord Degrees — 1) Root Position (3:13) / 5 2) First Inversion (2:07) / 6 3) Second Inversion (2:37) / 7 Listening Technique: 1) Roots and Bass Notes of Chords (2:46) / 8 2) Second Inversion One Chords (2:03) / 9 3) Five Chords, Seven Chords, and Dominant Seventh Chords (1:07) / 10 Suspended Fourth Chords (2:20) / 11 Sixth Chords (1:21) / 12 Notation of Chords (1:08) / 13 Lightning Rounds: 1) Sus4, M6, m6 Chords (2:18) / 14 2) Seventh Chords (3:16) / 15 3) Sixth, Seventh, and Suspended Fourth (Sus4) Chords (4:18) / 16 Chord Spelling, Playing, and Singing Assignment (2:56)
2 Stability Test: M7 (6:12) / 3 Minor Scales (2:06) 4 Relative Major & Minor Keys (Tonalities) (2:59); 5 Natural Minor (2:28); 6 Harmonic Minor (1:42); 7 Melodic Minor (7:44) / 8 Add 9 and 6/9 Chords (1:23) / 9 Minor Suspended Fourth Chords (1:33) / 10 Drilling Technique (1:57) / 11 Lightning Round: Sixth, Add 9, 6/9, Sus4 Chords (6:26) / 12 Dominant Seventh Flat Five Chords (Dom7b5) (:45) / 13 Lightning Round: All Seventh Chords (8:00) / 14 Listening Technique (:55)
2 Equal-Tempered and Just Tuning Systems (10:07) / 3 The Three Essentials for Singing in Perfect Tune (5:12) / 4 Stability Test: #4 (6:22)/ 5 Major and Minor Ninth Chords (1:43) / 6 Lightning Round: M9 and m9 Chords (2:10) / 7 Dominant 9, Dominant b9, and Dominant #9 Chords (2:12) / 8 Lightning Rounds: Dom9, Domb9, Dom#9 Chords (3:17); Ninth Chords (3:18); Ninth Chords with Add 9 and 6/9 Chords (9:47)
2 Minor Scales in Contemporary Music (4:11) / 3 Drill Instructions (4:05) / 4 Drill: Minor Scale Degrees (5:43) / 5 Lightning Rounds: Seventh and Fourth Chords (7:12); 6 Ninth and Sixth Chords (5:48) / 7 Voicings, Extensions, and Omitted Tones (2:57) / 8 Eleventh Chords (5:50) / 9 Lightning Round: Eleventh Chords (8:30)
2 Borrowed Dominants (11:34) / 3 Cadences: Full, Half, Plagal, Deceptive, bVII-I (Lowered Seven-One), bVI-bVII-I (Lowered Six-Seven-One) (10:16) / 4 Picardy Thirds (1:29) / 5 Pedal Point (2:23) / 6 Drill: Progressions (Cadences) (10:55) / 7 Thirteenth Chords (1:50) / 8 Lightning Round: M13, m13, Dom13 (5:36)
(All Chord Lesson): 2 How to Label Any Chord You Hear (7:49) / 3 Drills: Three-Note Chords — Melodic (4:24), 4 Harmonic (2:28); 5 Four-Note Chords — Melodic (2:00), 6 Harmonic (1:45) / 7 Lightning Rounds: Seventh and Fourth Chords (2:20); 8 Ninth and Sixth Chords (2:25); 9 Eleventh and Thirteenth Chords (2:52); 10 All Chords (7:20); 11 All Chords — Synthesizer (9:39) / 12 Final Assignment (1:07)
LESSON 41 — Day of Established Relative Pitch
2 Final Exam (3:13) / 3 Main Piece (:49) / 4 Arrangement (1:19) / 5 Answers: Main Piece (5:18) / 6 Answers: Arrangement (13:32) / 7 Final Talk and Notes (16:15)
Relative Pitch LEVEL FIVE
Eight Audio CDs |
You have upgraded your ear with a complete Relative Pitch tune-up.
You now possess the virtuoso listening skills of Established Relative Pitch.
