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when you order BOTH courses.
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(a $45 value)
Relative Pitch Bonuses ($15 value):
You will receive 2 FREE BONUS CDs with your Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse:
FREE Power Points Session
after years of teaching students from around the world,
this extra session is like having David Lucas Burge
as your personal ear training coach — right in the
comfort of your own home. Includes answers to questions
about how to gain a LIGHTNING-FAST ear for music.
FREE Chord Chart
A special chart composed by David Lucas Burge that shows the formulas for how to construct
ANY type of chord imaginable. For musicians of ALL instruments.
Perfect Pitch Bonuses (a $30 value):
You will receive 2 FREE BONUS CDs with your Perfect Pitch® Ear Training SuperCourse:
FREE 74-minute CD on
Relative Pitch (a $15 gift). You'll learn how
Perfect Pitch and
Relative Pitch work TOGETHER to give you the total experience of music. David Lucas demonstrates both
Perfect Pitch and
Relative Pitch skills and shows how you are SET FREE or HELD BACK in music by what you can or cannot hear.
FREE 31-minute CD: Perfect Pitch for Children: A Message to Parents and Teachers ($15 if purchased separately). Give kids the gift of music. When a child's ears are opened, they are open for LIFE.
a boost for children's musical education!! (R.P.,
music teacher) |

Your bonuses will automatically ship with your order.
If you have any questions, I'm always available to help!
Best wishes,

Sherri Moore
Special Offers Manager
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to start?
Order now online (locate Order Form at bottom of any page on our main site). Or call 24 hours:
(Outside USA, prefix 1 before above number.)
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Perfect Pitch® is a Registered Trademark that identifies David Lucas Burge's unique Ear Training methods for all musicians.
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